Leftovers Start Next Week

As the weekend wraps on us, I'd just like to remind everyone that Leftovers will be live on Wednesday. If you are an iTunes downloader, you can subscribe to the feed now!

If you have any questions, comment concerns, please let us know!

Also!?! If you would like your product, service, sale thing, whatever advertised, let us know! Click here for more info!

Can't wait for next week!

iTunes Link

Preparing Leftovers

Leftovers now has a twitter account. Follow us here: @iuseleftovers

Members can also now access the Leftovers page. Since it is for more "mature" users due to content, in order to see the page, users must make an account with us! Once an account is made, your name will be on a hold for 3-5 Days. This is so SBJ can verify that you have logged into the site and prevent against spam accounts and/or fake accounts. Logging in will cause a Leftover button to appear on the right column under the orange navigation buttons. 

We will let you guys know as soon as the RSS feed is ready and appears in iTunes and the Zune Marketplace.

Now something a little different. As some of you guys know...

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Message from "SBJ"

Hey Guys!

First off, I want to thank all of the fans. I posted on my personal Twitter last night about some recent stuff going on... some good... some bad... The point of the matter is, you guys, the Fans, are the reason I wake up in the morning, the reason I stay up late working on the site, you guys are the reason I keep pushing through everyday. On a personal level, I’ve had a lot of dramatic changes in my life that have left me more so heartbroken then anything. While I feel like I am a strong person, I don’t think my days would go as well without hearing, talking, and communicating with you guys. So thank you all so much. 

Your probably wondering why I am taking time out of your busy schedule to write a letter.

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Do you have a Microphone?

Do you have a microphone and want to be a part of something cool for the Pokémon Podcast? Great! PKMNcast is starting something new, and well... we want you to help us build hype for this. So here is what you can do it help. If you have a microphone, say any or all of these words. Now remember, leave a good pause in between the phrases so it will be easy for me to cut and edit. Here are the phrases:
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