Do you have a Microphone?

Do you have a microphone and want to be a part of something cool for the Pokémon Podcast? Great! PKMNcast is starting something new, and well... we want you to help us build hype for this. So here is what you can do it help. If you have a microphone, say any or all of these words. Now remember, leave a good pause in between the phrases so it will be easy for me to cut and edit. Here are the phrases:
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Sunday Recap (Sept 20-24)

We got a lot of traffic this week! That's awesome and we thank you guys so much. Here is a recap of what you missed the last week. We have a ton of new stuff to come too! Also, congrats to the winner of the PokéDex contest, and thanks so much for everyone who participated. 

011 The Shiny Ponyta - Podcast

Breeding 101: Individual Values (The Final Conflict) - Breeding 101

PKMN of the Week: Ponyta - PKMN of the Week

Featured Team of the Week - Featured Team

Pokémon Apokélypse: Live Action Movie - Found Item

MOTW (Move of the Week): Earthquake - Weekly Move (New Feature!)

Who Likes HMs? - Rare Article

Facebook Love - Found Item

012 The Winner - Podcast

Who Are You? - Found Item