PKMN of the Week: Squirtle

Dear PKMN of the Week,

I think my Squirtle is so cute, much cuter than my other Pokémon. Lately, however, I've been having some behavioral issues with him. He's become moody, temperamental, and just the other day he squirted my backside while I had it turned. Do you have any advice to make me close with my beloved Squirtle again?

All Wet

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Etsy Diving

It’s been a while for a Rare Article. It’s not even Thursday! With that aside, I thought I would bring you some interesting custom Pokémon items for sale. Now we were proud to announce our Poli-Shirts last week. Those shirts are limited to 100 made, and they will begin to ship next week. Exciting. 

Anyways, today we look at Pokémon stuff found on Etsy. Etsy is where handmade and vintage stuff lives so others can enjoy and purchase these items. Let’s take a look at a couple of the cool stuff found on Etsy.

Pokémon Polar Fleece Hoodie

This item looks to be sold out, but if you had $107, you too could have bought this custom Pikachu Fleece. From the bright yellow, to the actually tail...

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Pokémon Shoes

If anyone knows where you can get these sweet Pokémon kicks, let us know! We've spent hours on the Google to figure out where the source of these custom Nike kicks came from with no luck. 

It was a Tumblr blog reposted from a Tumblr blog, etc, etc. All that came from a simple YouTube Video, but no other leads.

We want to catch them all!