NuzleafGreen - A PKMNcast Fundraiser

The Introduction

What's up everyoneeeeeee! How was that for an impression of SBJ? What, you tell me you can't really tell because this is only text and reading something can't accurately convey the way someone speaks and therefore could be interpreted differently by every single individual reading this? Well I suppose you're right, but hey that's not why we're here today. No, we are here today to talk about an awesome fundraiser for PKMNcast; a fundraiser in the form of the infamous "Let's Play" titled "NuzleafGreen".

Now, before I go any farther, I'll tell you what this is about. The PKMNcast community, more specifically our man Steve Black Jr. himself, has been going strong for almost two whole years now. "It's Super Effective!" may have started at rather humble beginnings, but has now grown into a strong, independent Podcast from which a wonderful and diverse community has emerged. Steve has gone out of his way to build up a friendly-yet-professional (actually I might not fit that last part too well) staff who all share a love of Pokémon and who are all dedicated to informing and helping others in any way they can.

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066 The Big Lebowski

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SBJ returns with David and Saul (Irene at the end) to talk about the Big Lebowski of the Pokémon world… Regigigas. We cover some news regarding Kyurem and we answer a ton of user submitted questions on top of that. Also, we have the original Pokémon Green Lavander Town music that was changed in Red/Blue.

Host: SBJ | Guests: David & Saul & Irene