Rare Article: 3 Things Newer Competitive Players Miss

Beginning to understand competitive battling mechanics is, actually, pretty easy. It's fully mastering competitive strategy that gets very, very tough. I am by no means an expert (that last clause is pronounced "please don't make me feel sad by yelling at me if I get something wrong,) but here are three things that I've learned during my time playing Pokémon competitively that weren't very obvious at first.
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Rare Article: Leads

A three legged dog walks into a bar and says, "I wanna know the guy who shot my paw."

Ok, bad joke. And a terrible thing to lead with for this article. Speaking of leads...

In Pokémon it is imperative to get off on the right foot. A slow start can be debilitating and cost you the match. That's what a good lead Pokémon should prevent. Leads come in many varieties, and this week I'll highlight a few.
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