111 Gogoat and Rumors

SBJ and Saul talk about more rumors that appeared on Pokebeach.com. We also talk about the Pokemon X and Y announcement at E3. After the break we cover a Pokemon of the Week! Who is it? 

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110 Gogoat-ing and Fairies?

SBJ and Kenny and Saul talk all the latest about Pokémon X & Y. We cover a bunch of news on PokéBeach about the last CoroCoro scans and rumors of X and Y. The game's region is named Kalos! You can customize your characters's skin tone, hair, & eye color. 

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103 Froakie and Chespin

Kenny, Travis, and SBJ continue to speculate on X and Y. On top of that, we talk about the newly launched Pokémon Mystery Dungeon site. We also go over the Shorty Awards as well. Enjoy!

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102 Chespin and Fennekin

This week features Aaron, Irene, and SBJ. We talk about some recent news. Irene shares her VGC experience, and finally we dive into more Pokémon X and Y speculation. Enjoy!

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101 Xerneas and Yveltal

David, Travis, and SBJ talk about the January 8th Pokémon announcement. We cover the entire trailer and our speculation of the new game. From Froakie to Chespin to Fennekin - we cover it all. Minor audio skewing near the end of the show.

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