Rare Article: 3 Things Pokémon Online Can't Prepare You For in Real Tournaments

The "Pokémon Online" is a great tool to practice for Pokémon tournaments. I use it all of the time to prepare for nationals this year. However, it isn't a perfect replica of what you are going to see when the VGCs, or any other tournament, rolls around. Here are three things that Pokémon Online can't quite prepare you for.
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Rare Article: 3 Teambuilding Tips

I like to think that teambuilding is 75% of what makes or breaks a match. Sure, you can play with technical perfection, but if your team isn't up to snuff, that win will continue to elude you. You can breed six perfect Pokémon, but if they don't work together, you're hosed. So, today I bring you three helpful tips for making a team.
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