PKMNcast is Hiring

Hey All,

As we prepare for the launch of the new site, we want to bring on some new people. We want the best, like no one ever was. Here is the deal with why and how to work for PKMNcast. 

Before we begin, we need to stress that our positions are non-paid. While other sites may offer payment for articles, we are focued on building a community around passionate Pokémon fans. 

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AOTW: Speed Boost

Pokémaniacs, assemble! It’s time for us to discuss another passive pokémon power! And this week, I feel like floating some facts about fleet-feeted fighting figments of pixelized monsters your way. Don’t worry, I’ll do my best to keep the Sonic the Hedgehog puns to a minimum. Grab your track shoes, people. This is Ability of the Week: Speed Boost!
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