Rare Article: 3 Alternative VGC Strategies

VGC season is in full swing, as Spring Regionals approach. Perhaps the most common team to see is what has been dubbed in years passed as a "goodstuffs" team. In other words, a team that is made up of the best Pokémon in the metagame, as opposed to a team that subscribes to any particular strategy. Sure, weather is fairly common, but it seems that Zapdos, Hitmontop, Scizor, and Garchomp are on every team.

But what if you want to do something at least a tad gimmicky, if only for the element of surprise? Well, I've got you covered. Here are three VGC strategies that won't be expected, and therefore, hopefully won't be prepared for by your opponent.
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AOTW: Hustle

A few weeks ago, Travis and I co-anchored episode 47 of It’s Super Effective, in which we reviewed SBJ’s pokémon line up for the VGC’s. Taking the reins of the podcast was sprung on us at the last second, so it was a little unnerving for both of us, but fun. We did hit one significant snag, though, and I’m embarrassed to say that it involved an Ability. I learn a lot about passive pokémon powers writing this article every week, but until I write the thing, I remain woefully ignorant of many of them. Well, I’m gonna remedy my own obtuseness, at least for this particular Ability, today! This is Ability of the Week: Hustle!

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