155 Hoenn to the New Year

SBJ, Micah, and Will talk about a ton of Pokémon news regarding a new GameFreak game, Pokémon TCG cards, the Pokémon World Tournament for 2015 in Boston and more. We also give impressions and problems about Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire. We also introduce a new segment called item of the week! Please note we used about 2 mins of audio from Polygon's Quality Control podcast (Nov 20, 2014) in our second half of the show.

109 Nothing New on X and Y

 This week SBJ and Will talk about a TON of missed news including downloads, Mystery Dungeon, and new PKMN tins after Worlds. We also talk about the "Battle City" Kickstarter. Finally… we end on a "whale" of a Pokémon. 

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