549 Why the Pokémon XY Trademarks Renewed

549 Why the Pokémon XY Trademarks Renewed

Rumors around the Scarlet and Violet DLC points to us heading to Kalos for DLC. We talk about why that isn't probably true and why the XY trademarks renewed last month. We also talk about the Mega Energy economy in Pokémon GO and the next GO event coming this week. Crown Zenith are here and maybe you should pick it up? Finally, Greninja is the next 7-Star Raid Boss and we talk about it!

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368 Nintendo Switch Lite Unveiled

368 Nintendo Switch Lite Unveiled

The Nintendo Switch Lite is coming this holiday and will feature a special Pokémon edition. Pokémon GO is teaming up with One Piece, but it's only really talked about outside of the United States. Pokémon Sword & Shield will feature customizable jerseys for Gym Battles. Mega Rayquaza was banned in the VGC (then unbanned). More minor Pokémon Masters details this episode. Finally, we look back at the development of XY and some information about the Gear projects that Game Freak does.

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