299.82 Pokémon GO Community Day & Shiny Dratini

We count how many Shiny Dratini we caught on the last Pokémon GO Community day. SBJ, Al, and Will talk about Detective Pikachu and the upcoming Pokemon Day on Feb 27th. We also give you some fun facts about Dratini! Please send in your e-mails for episode 300!

00:00:20 - Introduction
00:04:45 - News
00:04:45 - Detective Pikachu
00:22:45 - Legendary Pokémon
00:26:10 - Returning GO Raids
00:36:15 - Break Music
00:37:10 - Pokémon Day
01:00:00 - Pokémon GO Community Day
01:11:15 - Pokémon of the Week: Dratini
01:15:45 - House Cleaning
01:20:00 - Post Credits

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